Products: 1 - 12 of 64
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10 Steps for Successful Appraisals
10 Steps for Successful Appraisals is a course to help managers conduct meaningful and motivating appraisals with their people. Performance appraisal is generally accepted as stressful for employers and employees- for those appraising and for those being appraised. Managers can feel anxious about ho... read more
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
4 Ways to Build Accountability
Peter Quarry says accountability has two aspects: who you are accountable to and what you are accountable for. Being accountable is willingness to accept responsibility for performance, engaging in discussion and acting on suggestions for improvement. Learn how to enhance personal and group accounta... read more
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
4 Ways to Enhance your Career
Say 'yes' to new career opportunities and most people will find a new injection of career rocket fuel. As Dr Judy Olian, President, Quinnipiac University, explains to Eve Ash, accepting unusual roles as they present themselves allows people to 'step out of the safe zone', take calcu
New Release
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
5 Stages of Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative inquiry, often used as a 5-stage process, based on research by David Cooperrider. Kylie Bells outlines the process to Eve Ash, beginning with Defining (setting out what you want to achieve), followed by Discover (having an appreciation of what already is done well), Dream (dreaming abou... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Inconsistent Service
Kylie Bell gives a first example of Appreciative Inquiry's use in a situation with a retail client that was experiencing inconsistent customer service. By flipping the define stage to wanting high quality service, she and the client worked to discover what was already happening when they were delive... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Managing Change
Kylie Bell describes to Eve Ash how the 5D model of Appreciative Inquiry was applied to a large government department which was 18 months into a restructure with multi-levels of change. The problem was defined as people feeling stressed, and so she encouraged people to pair and discuss examples of w... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Poor Reputation
Kylie Bell's final Appreciative Inquiry case study is a local government organization which felt its reputation was poor, based on its service provision. They recast (defined) the problem as wanting a positive perception of their service. They discovered stories of when they received positive feedba... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Avoid a Project Managers Nightmare
Avoid a Project Manager's Nightmare is a program that explores how a project manager is entrusted with numerous responsibilities including delivering the job on time and within budget. Behavioral expert Peter Quarry offers useful suggestions and simple strategies to ensure the project does not becom... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Be constructive with feedback
Feedback can cause people to become defensive so it is very important for managers to reaffirm positive behaviors and actions. Some managers are too blunt in their assessments, and overly critical. Praise the good, while being specific, tactful and helpful about the areas that need fixing or improve... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Behaving Unprofessionally
Unprofessional behavior can be actions or words. Invading someone's personal space, flirting or inappropriate touching is unprofessional. Discussing people's private lives and making personal comments is unprofessional. These behaviors do not belong at work. At work it is important to behave profess... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Being Accountable
Peter Quarry and Eve Ash analyze accountability as knowing who you are accountable to, taking responsibility and ownership for your job performance, and being willing to engage in discussion about ways to improve. Because it is about commitment and an agreed set of expectations, people can become de... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Build Accountability in Teams
Not everyone likes holding or being held to account. Peter Quarry explains to Eve Ash that when accountability procrastination or avoidance occurs, team morale drops. Whereas in high performance teams with shared leadership, there’s a high level of support, encouragement, problem-solving and decisio... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only