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Estar rodeado de personas que se quejan es duro, pero como señala Peter Quarry, hay formas de manejarlas. Puedes reconocer lo que dicen, mostrando empatía y proponiendo soluciones positivas. Si persisten, y sobre todo si trabajas con ellos, es mejor ignorarlos, ya que lo que realmente buscan es aten... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Apologize and reduce conflict
Apologize and Reduce Conflict is a course that acknowledges we all make mistakes or realise we are in the wrong. It's how we deal with our mistakes that makes the difference. Many people view an apology as a sign of weakness but apologizing for our mistakes requires a lot of strength and self-awaren... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Inconsistent Service
Kylie Bell gives a first example of Appreciative Inquiry's use in a situation with a retail client that was experiencing inconsistent customer service. By flipping the define stage to wanting high quality service, she and the client worked to discover what was already happening when they were delive... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Appreciative Inquiry Case: Poor Reputation
Kylie Bell's final Appreciative Inquiry case study is a local government organization which felt its reputation was poor, based on its service provision. They recast (defined) the problem as wanting a positive perception of their service. They discovered stories of when they received positive feedba... read more
New Release
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Be an Outstanding Listener
Be an Outstanding Listener is a program that will help people who think they are good listeners when in fact they are usually not as good as they imagine. Every job in every organizations requires good quality listening skills to understand and clarify what is being said. Listening skills are especi... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Be passionate about your work
Great organizations attract people who love their job. But passion for your work can shine through wherever you are. It comes down to caring about what you do, enthusiasm for doing your job well and the satisfaction of knowing you made a difference to customers. Passion is a combination of pride in ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Discover the basic drive in all of us, that compels us to return favours, to repay kindness with kindness, to reciprocate when someone gives us something. It is the strong belief that returning good deeds is the right and proper thing to do. BOOMERANG gives a compelling message about how to get the ... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
Brand Marketing
Brand Marketing is a course designed to explain how a brand is a promise wrapped up in an experience. Sadhana Smiles explains to psychologist Eve Ash about how brand marketing reflects product and service image. With so many brands competing for our attention, businesses need to understand the impor... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Build friendly relationships
Organizations and companies delivering great service know the importance of building friendly relationships with their clients and community. This is done by showing interest with questions, speaking with enthusiasm and taking extra trouble for clients.Build friendly relationships by: Caring about c... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only
BUILD Relationships
BUILD Relationships provides a clear process, BUILD, for establishing positive relationships for a successful sale, a collaborative team or a productive business. Building relationships is at the heart of everything we do, according to psychologist Eve Ash. There is more pleasure and value to be fou... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Build Trust and Credibility
Build Trust and Credibility is a program designed to help people build their trust and credibility – the jewels of increasing value in these opinionated, conflicted times. They are best demonstrated by a persons expertise, consistency, reliability and ethical behaviors. Build Trust and Credibility ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Building Relationships
Marcus sets up a “speed socializing” exercise to give staff an insight into building long lasting relationships. Steve is chosen as the relationship expert to comment on the ‘relationship’ skill level of the group as they undertake role-plays. Tammy and Sanjay’s awkward interaction escalates when S... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test