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How to Develop Optimism is a simple program that shows how optimism is a skill you can learn and how you can benefit in your relationships, your work and your health. Psychology expert Peter Quarry describes the considerable difference you make to your life once you choose to view events optimistically.

How to Develop Optimism helps learners to cope with life’s challenges in apositive way. Learn to see what can be changed positively in your situation. As Peter Quarry explains, when you choose the “glass half full” approach, difficulties become markedly easier and your relationships improve.

Learning objectives

  • Look for the silver lining in the dark cloud – find the positives
  • Learn how the positives in a situation can help your career
  • Think about your successes – don’t dwell on your mistakes and shortcomings
  • Don't allow setbacks to hold you back – avoid a pessimistic rut
  • Focus on the future – plan ahead, be proactive and look for solutions

Interactive eLearning course
This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.

This is available as part of

2 Minutes To Success Series
A series of two minute microlearning videos from psychology experts with practical advice and techniques to help you tackle workplace problems and be more productive, less stressed, improve your image and regain control of your life. There are programs to deal with challenging people and situations,... read more
Communication Skills
Psychology/Mental Health
Release Date
Nov 1, 2020
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Featured Talent
Peter Quarry
Course ID



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