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Apologizing Carefully
Serena is inspired to apologize to Carol and wants a Sorry Day at Cutting Edge. They discuss different forms of sorry including the empathy. Sam and Michael take time out to work on their apologies for ongoing disputes, but they argue about how to apologize. Carol tells Serena about what she believe... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion
Appreciate Diversity and Inclusion is a timely course that will engage participants as they watch the Cutting Edge team work through their own issues of unconscious bias, micro-aggressions and diversity issues. Carol returns from vacation to find that Marcus has hired two non-English speakers, to de... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Be an Outstanding Listener
Be an Outstanding Listener is a program that will help people who think they are good listeners when in fact they are usually not as good as they imagine. Every job in every organizations requires good quality listening skills to understand and clarify what is being said. Listening skills are especi... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Build Trust and Credibility
Build Trust and Credibility is a program designed to help people build their trust and credibility – the jewels of increasing value in these opinionated, conflicted times. They are best demonstrated by a persons expertise, consistency, reliability and ethical behaviors. Build Trust and Credibility ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Bullying Even at the Top
Bullying Even at the Top is a course covering practical lessons about bullying at all levels. Sadhana Smiles explains to Eve Ash various forms bullying that exist at the top, including undermining, texts, emails and phone calls, and how to foster a 'Zero Tolerance' approach to bullying. This course ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Creating a NoBlame Culture
Everyone can make a mistake. Blaming people for their mistakes does not resolve the issue. People can get defensive and it may even cause more mistakes to happen! In a no-blame culture people admit their mistakes openly. Storyline Carol has created an innovative Corporate Social Responsibility progr... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Cutting Edge Basic English Series
This ground-breaking Cutting Edge Basic English Series designed by psychologist Eve Ash and ESL expert Dr Fran Byrnes, can be used in a wide range of language learning situations, in classrooms and for self-study. The series can be used for learners prior to using the popular Cutting Edge English at... read more
Develop tolerance and respect
Develop Tolerance and Respect is a program to help learners respect and accept other people’s opinions, behaviors, preferences, even when you don’t agree with them. Peter Quarry, behavioral expert, explains how tolerance and respect can be developed. Develop Tolerance and Respect is a program to hel... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Ensuring a Respectful Workplace
Everyone has the right to be treated with respect, but respect must be mutual and it must be earned. Managers need to role model respect for their team. In a respectful workplace there are clear boundaries. It starts with being polite and constructive. Make sure your comments or observations are not... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Finding My Magic - Children's Rights Series
Finding My Magic: Children's Rights Series is an animated series of 12 episodes for 4-11 year olds that teaches children how to look after themselves, each other and what their rights are. The series is inspired by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and features Olympic and World Champion ... read more
Finding My Magic - Introductory Series
An animated series for 3-10 year olds about three young friends - Catherine, Tom and Kate - who discover that within them lies the magic power to be positive, happy and successful. The children learn the secret of the little 'black' magic box from a wise man named Mench. Features 'Cathy' Freeman as ... read more
Finding My Magic - Series 1: Episode 1 Discovering the Magic
Catherine's confidence has been dented after getting something wrong in class. Subsequent teasing has made her sad. Mench shows her how to use positive self-talk by using 'the black box' and 'me messages' to gain the strength to try again. Success in the classroom follows and others learn to apologi... read more
DVD style course with completion certificate only