An animated series for 3-10 year olds about three young friends - Catherine, Tom and Kate - who discover that within them lies the magic power to be positive, happy and successful.
The children learn the secret of the little 'black' magic box from a wise man named Mench. Features 'Cathy' Freeman as the voice and inspiration for the character 'Catherine'.
Finding My Magic is an animated series of 4 short stories featuring three young friends Catherine, Tom and Kate who attend the same school. The local store-keeper, a wise man named Mench, offers practical advice and teaches Catherine the power of a magic box and me messages. Catherine teaches others so when they each face challenges, they use the power of self-talk to develop confidence and persistence to overcome obstacles.
This series provides a language and a device (the magic box) to assist children in developing essential skills for their emotional well-being. Each child will make or be given a small white box to personalise and use as their Magic box for me messages.
Finding My Magic has 4 short episodes with identifiable engaging characters and stories, offer a springboard for discussions about recognising negative self-talk and changing it. The success of positive self-talk is demonstrated clearly as we see Catherine, Kate and Tom overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
Catherine's confidence has been dented after getting something wrong in class. Subsequent teasing has made her sad. Mench shows her how to use positive self-talk by using 'the black box' and 'me messages' to gain the strength to try again. Success in the classroom follows and others learn to apologi... read more
Catherine's friend Tom is having difficulties in class too. He is terrified of public speaking and doubts the worth of his ideas. Catherine explains how the black box worked for her, and she passes it to him with ideas about how he can conquer his problems. Tom then delivers a great talk in class an... read more
Another friend Kate is struggling with her own issues. After being challenged by Mench about her love of junk food, she teases Tom. Tom recognises that she is hurt and shares the black box with her. After initial skepticism, Kate takes her first steps to changing her attitude to food and exercise. C... read more
The magic of positive self-talk is seen in practice. Improvements are noticed by the teacher. After the encouragement of her friends who remind her to use her positive me messages, Catherine triumphs in an important race. Catherine, Kate and Tom are all using me messages confidently and can retu... read more