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Learn key employability skills. Ten fun videos for school leavers, college students and new starters to achieve success at work.

Two new interns arrive at Cutting Edge but not everything goes smoothly.

Dion is the overconfident smart talking nephew of the boss. Tatiana speaks five languages but must work to be positive.

Learn from their mistakes and develop skills to give students and new recruits an edge to succeed at work challenges.

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Make a Great Impression
Dress for success, be enthusiastic and introduce professionally.The new Cutting Edge interns, Dion and Tatiana have not got off to their best start. Dion is very casual about arrival times and what he-s wearing to work, while Tatiana is negative and blasé. Carol and Steve explain the importance of d... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Communicate Effectively
Project positively, listen and respect others and be clear and engaging.Dion thinks it's fine to interrupt a discussion with Serena by taking a call. Tatiana rolls her eyes, sighs and is not attentive. Carol complains that the interns speak in text talk. The interns have something in common: inadequ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Be Confident and Assertive
Speak with confidence, overcome personal blocks and be assertive.Confidence is a necessary part of the workplace. Casey is marked immediately as a person lacking confidence. She needs to become aware of how she talks and comes across. As Sam points out, changing her intonation and using fewer vague ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Set and Achieve Goals
Be clear about your goals and steps to achieve them and persist.It-s time to get serious about goals - but not Dion! Everyone at Cutting Edge knows the importance of goals: Carol is always setting them, Steve wants to be best in sales, Tatiana would like to be an international attorney. Dion wants t... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Prioritize and Organize
Plan for success, manage yourself efficiently, prioritize to get results.The Cutting Edge team can be messy and unorganized, something that the VP, Serena, dislikes intensely. Carol is not happy with Casey-s Post-it notes. Serena stresses the importance of taking notes and looking competent and effi... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Contribute to the Team
Speak at meetings, volunteer to help and collaborate with others.It's 'Blue Moon' day at Cutting Edge. Marcus tells his team it's about pulling ideas out of the blue and working on them collaboratively. Dion has trouble staying awake but learns that his body language shows he is not interested. He d... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Appreciate Feedback
Appreciate Feedback is part of the Success at Work Series. 10 fresh videos to demonstrate essential employability skills Millennials can use to achieve success at your organization and wherever their future endeavors may take them. Two new interns arrive at Cutting Edge but not everything goes smoot... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Build Employability Skills
Find ways to learn new skills, manage your emotions and speak impressively.Cutting Edge wants people who are enthusiastic and keen to build their skills and focus on learning. Carol and Serena are not impressed with Dion-s performance to date. Steve advises intern Tatiana to be a sponge and soak up ... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Demonstrate Your Strengths
Surpise people with knowledge, experience and self-awareness.Dion considers he is a hot new prospect for the company but Michael tells him he-s arrogant, snarky and a know-it-all. Sam, Serena and Steve help the interns to recognize their strengths and to surprise people with their research and knowl... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test
Impress at Job Interviews
Create a wow response by qaulity preparation and interview skills.Arriving on time for interview, looking sharp and well-laundered are just a few of the many steps towards getting the job. Be familiar not only with the job, but the company and the industry it is in. Do your research. Have a clear, d... read more
Interactive course with lessons, pre-test, and post-test