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You Manage the Culture is a program showing how a leaders style impacts the culture of their team. Psychologist Eve Ash speaks with Sadhana Smiles about how best to ensure fair and thorough strategy and enforcement of policies. She advises being aware of self and others, strategies for re-engaging staff and the warning signs of culture problems. She discusses seeking external expertise and using team building to overcome issues and build a positive culture.

Once this program is completed, you will have learned how leadership style can impact your team and how to recognize and respond to warning signs. You will know when to implement strategies like team-building for re-engaging staff and/or choose external expertise to assist in creating a positive culture.

Learning objectives

  • Examine how leadership style impacts the culture of the team
  • Recognize importance of awareness of self and others
  • Recognize and respond to warning signs and culture problems
  • Implement strategies for re-engaging staff
  • Use external expertise and team building to overcome issues

Interactive eLearning course

This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.

This is available as part of

Insights and Strategies Series
Psychologist Eve Ash interviews experts and business leaders who share their experiences and their strategies for achieving best practice.Topics cover key leadership and people skills, safety, marketing, career and interpersonal skills. Discover practical strategies to implement and solve business p... read more
Business Excellence
Change / Crisis Management
Diversity / Respect
Release Date
Jan 1, 2015
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Featured Talent
Eve Ash
Course ID



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