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SNAP out of it! that explains how we can all have bad or frustrating days, and get upset or feel overwhelmed. Dealing with difficult relationships (peers, managers, clients); missing deadlines; finding it hard to stay on task; questioning your value, skills or expertise; feeling demotivated  all these can contribute to a negative mindset. We can all find ourselves in a slump and can benefit by learning a simple formula to SNAP yourself out of what youre feeling and get back on an action path. In this course psychologist Eve Ash explains how you can transform what's happening with a SNAP approach and make an instant difference to your emotional and mental wellbeing.

Learn to SNAP out of a slump using the four-step approach SNAP:

  • Stop negative thinking now, make the decision and draw a mental line in the sand
  • Neutralize your negative thoughts by replacing them with positives
  • Aspire to goals that energize and motivate you
  • Prevent slumps from re-occurring by devising positive thinking scripts

Interactive eLearning course

This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.


This is available as part of

2 Minutes To Success Series
A series of two minute microlearning videos from psychology experts with practical advice and techniques to help you tackle workplace problems and be more productive, less stressed, improve your image and regain control of your life. There are programs to deal with challenging people and situations,... read more
New Release
Stress / Safety / Wellbeing
Psychology/Mental Health
Release Date
May 1, 2022
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Featured Talent
Eve Ash
Course ID