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Be BRAVE at Work is a short course providing a framework for being courageous at work. The five key attributes are presented by psychologist Eve Ash, using the acronym BRAVE. You need to be Bold, Resilient, Agile, Vigilant and Enterprising. In this course Eve Ash explains that, when we are BRAVE at work, it hones our ability to meet a variety of situations. Being BRAVE is confronting your fears and taking resourceful, confident action despite uncertainty or feeling vulnerable. You can train yourself to be BRAVE. Start with small challenges each day and you will be able to take brave action in more complex situations.

Learn the five key attributes of being BRAVE - Bold, Resilient, Agile, Vigilant and Enterprising

  • Be bold and develop a willingness to tackle problems
  • Be resilient so you can recover quickly and remain optimistic in the face of challenges and setbacks
  • Develop agility so you are able to move quickly and flexibly especially during a crisis
  • Be vigilant so you are attentive and alert to possible problems, and recognize when to respond
  • Be enterprising and willing to try new things and show initiative

Interactive eLearning course

This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.


This is available as part of

2 Minutes To Success Series
A series of two minute microlearning videos from psychology experts with practical advice and techniques to help you tackle workplace problems and be more productive, less stressed, improve your image and regain control of your life. There are programs to deal with challenging people and situations,... read more
Communication Skills
Presentations / Meetings
Release Date
Apr 19, 2022
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Featured Talent
Eve Ash
Course ID



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