
Use for two weeks / seat


Seats $20.00


Corporate Social Responsibility is a course to inspire others to develop unique and powerful social responsibility strategies and projects. It is good business to "do good". Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is all about an organization playing a positive role in the community, and considering the environmental and social impact of its business decisions. CSR initiatives range from small to grand, but can make a significant difference internally and externally, locally and beyond. Customers, employees and other stakeholders also judge an organization by how its activity impacts the community, economy, environment and society at large.

In this course, psychologist Peter Quarry discusses CSR and a bank case study, with Ann Sherry, a former bank CEO. CSR programs can contribute to economic development, facilitate ethical behavior, improve the quality of life of the workforce, their families, customers and the community, and have a positive impact on the environment.

  • Address social problems and improve an organization's profile in the community
  • Discover beneficial ripple effects from supporting people and causes
  • Identify stakeholders (not only shareholders) and ask them for feedback
  • Find a starting point where your organization can engage and work with the community
  • Learn from a case study how equity and access was achieved for disadvantaged customers, with a cost-effective solution
  • Discover how staff are proud of solving problems and achieving outcomes
  • Learn how the image of the organization can be improved and viewed more positively and the customer base can grow
New Release
Business Excellence
Marketing / Brand
Release Date
Nov 24, 2022
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Featured Talent
Peter Quarry
Course ID