Corporate culture has long stated when you go to work, "leave emotions at home". Quoting research by Barbara Fredrickson's Broaden and Build theory, Kylie Bell explains to Eve Ash that this precept is changing: when leaders really tune into the use of emotions, each can be used to overcome conflict and drive inspiration, engagement and higher performance in the workplace. Negative emotions narrow our focus, whereas positive emotions broaden people to a wider sense of possibilities. We become far better thinkers and problem-solvers, says Kylie, when we use the full range of our emotions, especially positive emotions. We also become calmer. These emotions enhance customer experience.
Kylie Bell describes emotions as powerful tools because:
- They improve the office climate
- They reduce conflict
Interactive eLearning course
This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.
eLearning description
Emotions at Work shows how leaders can really tune into the use of emotions, to overcome conflict and drive inspiration, engagement and higher performance in the workplace. Negative emotions narrow our focus, whereas positive emotions broaden people to a wider sense of possibilities. Kylie Bell explains Barbara Fredricksons Broad and Build theory and how emotions can be used productively at work. We become far better thinkers and problem-solvers, when we use the full range of our emotions, especially positive emotions. We also become calmer. These emotions can be used to enhance customer experience.
elearning course learning objectives
- Differentiate between negative and positive emotions
- Use positive emotions to "broaden and build" our experience in the workplace
- apply positive emotions to think through more possibilities and to solve problems
- Use positive emotions to deal with conflicts
- Transform the customer experience by applying positive emotions
- Identify physiological and performance benefits of emotions at work