When a crisis occurs it is usually without warning. Some mishaps are predictable and can be avoided, but most are not. That is why it is essential to know how to identify and deal effectively with a crisis as soon as it happens.
Managing a crisis means responding effectively when something unexpected happens. Responding to a critical situation in a timely but measured way can lessen the harmful effects.
Crises are a way of life at Cutting Edge; Tammy observes that new ones are always just around the corner. Casey gets locked in the toilet, Steve is hit in the eye by a champagne cork at a company function, and a safety drill goes terribly wrong. Serena experiences an anaphylactic reaction at a staff dinner, triggered by Sanjay’s peanut hummus. Marcus unleashes an office financial crisis when he mistakenly donates a million dollars to the G.U.I.L.T initiative. The key to handling any crisis lies in the 3C’s: Calmly, Carefully, Collect.
Learning points
- Don’t waste time INSTEAD: Save people, establish facts
- Don’t act without understanding INSTEAD: Calmly explore extent of problem
- Don’t avoid or pretend INSTEAD: Communicate and respond
- Don’t exaggerate or blame INSTEAD: Brainstorm solutions and move forward
Interactive eLearning course
This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.