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Manage Hygiene Boundaries is a timely and engaging course for everyone to establish rules for hygiene and best practice in staying healthy and ensuring social distancing, especially during a pandemic. The Cutting Edge team learns that everyone needs to be aware of their own hygiene boundaries and learn basic skills to be able to tell others when they have crossed those boundaries. We all need to feel safe and comfortable, and be able to focus on productive work. Shared and agreed rules for the team are therefore essential. Honest, respectful and sensitive feedback can help to change habits and improve hygiene. Learn to manage hygiene boundaries by being aware of your hygiene impact, being sensitive and direct when giving feedback, and managing personal boundaries.

Learning Objectives

Learn to manage hygiene boundaries:

  • Don't ignore personal space issues INSTEAD: be aware of your hygiene impact
  • Don't be vague or joke INSTEAD: Be sensitive and direct
  • Don't expect everyone to know INSTEAD: Agree on safety hygiene rules
  • Don't leave issues unresolved INSTEAD: Manage personal boundaries

Interactive eLearning course

This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.

This is available as part of

Cutting Edge Communication Comedy Series - 80 lessons
Weclome to Cutting Edge Simulated company with learning situations crafted by psychologist Eve Ash, filmed in LA, like a sit com! This series will shock, amaze and entertain you, while at the same time teaching some important lessons in human interaction, in a way you won’t forget! CUTTING EDGE COMM... read more
Diversity / Respect
Stress / Safety / Wellbeing
Release Date
Mar 10, 2021
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID



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