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IDEA to Reality is designed to help learners develop realistic plans for their ideas, and move through steps to successfully make the idea a reality. Turning ideas into reality can be challenging. That's where IDEA comes in: Identifying, Designing, Executing and Assessing your concept.

Once this program is completed you will have learned that a good idea has a better chance of succeeding when it follows the IDEA formula. Eve Ash explains the process for converting inspiration into reality. It requires being objective, diligent, patient, seeking input from others, smooth implementation, constant testing and readiness to begin the process once again if necessary. The best IDEAs are a result of continuous improvement.

Implement the IDEA formula to turn ideas into reality:

  • Identify the power of your idea
  • Design the idea for success
  • Execute your plan with confidence
  • Assess the results

Interactive eLearning course
This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.

This is available as part of

2 Minutes To Success Series
A series of two minute microlearning videos from psychology experts with practical advice and techniques to help you tackle workplace problems and be more productive, less stressed, improve your image and regain control of your life. There are programs to deal with challenging people and situations,... read more
Creativity / Innovation
Presentations / Meetings
Release Date
Jan 1, 2020
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Featured Talent
Eve Ash
Course ID



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