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Four young primary school students are encountering problems in the schoolyard. Peer mediators are assigned to help sort out their issues - without teacher involvement - by listening, understanding and empowering them to agree on a solution. Peer mediation is an effective initiative to enable intervention with minor issues and prevent them from becoming major problems and learning distractions. Older students, equipped with training and a mediator's kit, are trained and empowered to mediate their younger peers and make them feel comfortable to talk about their problems. By listening and understanding, they can guide young students to agree on solutions and manage future problems. Created by Psychologist Eve Ash

This is available as part of

Teaching and Learning Series
TEACHING & LEARNING is designed for teachers, staff and educators of young children. These programs, filmed on location, feature teachers, students, educators and parents. They provide practical examples and scenarios to ensure best practice in K-6 school level teaching and learning.
Youth / Schools
Release Date
Jan 1, 2009
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID



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