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Lack of motivation is sometimes the reason why a person is not performing. There's many reasons for lack of motivation: boredom, unhappiness (at home or at work), a sense of being in the wrong job, or embarrassment at not having the requisite skills or training. The coach must resist the temptation to give well-intentioned advice. The best motivation comes from within and what the coach must do is challenge the person, using what and how questions. The coach should also use silence, putting responsibility on the person to address the problem. If the person's solution is unrealistic, the coach should explain why and push again for alternatives.

• Learn that the best motivation comes from within.
• Limit motivational advice.
• Challenge the person using what and how questions.
• Use silence and put the responsibility on them to address the problem.
• If the person's solution is unrealistic, explain and push for alternatives.

This is available as part of

Insights and Strategies Series
Psychologist Eve Ash interviews experts and business leaders who share their experiences and their strategies for achieving best practice.Topics cover key leadership and people skills, safety, marketing, career and interpersonal skills. Discover practical strategies to implement and solve business p... read more
Release Date
Jan 1, 2021
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID



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