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Underconfidence can be a problem at work, because it stops a person from trying new things and growing and developing. It can limit your job performance severely. Coaches need to look out for signs of underconfidence such as reluctance to try new practices or software programs, or getting upset if unable to do a task.

Boost a person's confidence by reassuring them that these feelings are normal. Challenge their perceptions and remind them of similar tasks theyve done well in the past. Offer concrete ways forward, e.g. sitting next to them while they have a go or ensuring they can speak up without fear of being unduly criticized.

• Learn strategies to boost people's confidence.
• Identify signs of under-confidence.
• Reassure them that these feelings are normal.
• Challenge their perceptions (remind them of similar tasks theyve done well in the past).
• Offer concrete ways forward, e.g. ensuring people feel they can speak up without being unduly criticized.

This is available as part of

Insights and Strategies Series
Psychologist Eve Ash interviews experts and business leaders who share their experiences and their strategies for achieving best practice.Topics cover key leadership and people skills, safety, marketing, career and interpersonal skills. Discover practical strategies to implement and solve business p... read more
Release Date
Jan 1, 2021
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID



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