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Culture is a critical but not easily measured component of an organization's success. Many CEOs feel that getting their culture right is one of their trickiest tasks, particularly when people resist change. CEOs and leaders are on stronger ground when they develop a compelling vision, narrative and mission for their organization, and when they role-model the behaviors, mindsets and attitudes they want staff to adopt. An inspiring, hands-on leader is highly engaging and motivating to people working there.

• Know how to change the culture.
• Leaders must develop a compelling story (vision, narrative and mission).
• Changing the culture means changing mindsets, values and attitudes.
• Motivating behaviors are role-modeled by leaders.

This is available as part of

Insights and Strategies Series
Psychologist Eve Ash interviews experts and business leaders who share their experiences and their strategies for achieving best practice.Topics cover key leadership and people skills, safety, marketing, career and interpersonal skills. Discover practical strategies to implement and solve business p... read more
Release Date
Jan 1, 2021
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID



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