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The opposite of adversarial (binary) thinking is seeking a win-win outcome. This takes time and isn't always possible, especially if the other person or group is noisier or more powerful. But win-win is what we should all aim for, especially as win-lose outcomes achieve very little.
Common ground and win-win outcomes are possible when people jointly explore possibilities, agree on key issues and let go of previous approaches and language.

• Establish common ground and win-win outcomes.
• Frame the discussion as a joint quest for a mutually satisfactory outcome.
• Use "we" rather than "I", "me" or "you" language.
• Seek agreement on the key issues as a first step.
• Let go of preconceived ideas  brainstorm solutions without criticism.
• Agree to the big picture before returning to the detail.

This is available as part of

Insights and Strategies Series
Psychologist Eve Ash interviews experts and business leaders who share their experiences and their strategies for achieving best practice.Topics cover key leadership and people skills, safety, marketing, career and interpersonal skills. Discover practical strategies to implement and solve business p... read more
Release Date
Jan 1, 2021
Video Running Time (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID



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