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English at Work 20 – Considering Options is an entertaining course that explains how to discuss various options and improve your conversation skills using subordinating conjunctions. The course covers grammar, idioms, vocabulary and pronunciation and is ideal for workplace learners who already have basic skills in English. It promotes communication and language competence by building the desire and motivation to learn and the confidence to try. Confidence in learning and using English leads to successful communication.

Key Learning Points

  • Learn language functions - Considering Options - Personal issues; Work issues; Negotiating; conflicting options; Positive thinking
  • Master simple grammar lessons – Subordinating Conjunctions - however; otherwise; unless; although; before/after; even if/even though; while; so that
  • Master everyday idioms – The soft option; Plan B; Between a rock and a hard place; Catch 22; A win-win situation; Jump the gun
  • Build vocabulary – pros and cons; ruthless; benefit; assumed; prematurely; slacker; Zen-like; piece/peace; peace offering; peace-maker
  • Learn and practice pronunciation – Stressing Syllables - together; decision; options; otherwise, accomplished; bonus; beverage

Interactive eLearning course

This video program is also available as a short stimulating eLearning course with interactive learning modules, recap activities, inline video and quiz assessments, designed to engage learners and build skills.

This is available as part of

Cutting Edge English At Work Series
These 20 groundbreaking programs combine psychology, linguistics and instructional design, and engage learners through: • amusing situations • entertaining characters • interesting conversations • authentic language • strong storylines • high quality production • pract
English Language Learning
Training / Learning
Video Running Time (minutes)
Course Length (minutes)
Seven Dimensions
Course ID


Leaders Workbook
PowerPoint Slides

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